The wedding of Rugmini

Ashwathi Thirunal Ramavarma penned this tale from Bhagavatha Purana as an aattakatha in late 18th century. Rugmini, the beautiful daughter of King Bhishmaka of Vidarbha, is an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Sage Narada who visits Bhishmaka foretells him of Rugmini’s marriage to Krishna. Rugmi, Bhishmaka’s son, is an arch-enemy of Krishna and is enraged by this prediction. In haste, he decides to get Rugmini married to his bosom friend King Shishupalan of Chedi. An anxious Rugmini seeks the help of a Brahmin to apprise Krishna of the situation and seek her marriage to him. Taking heed of the wise Brahmin’s words, Krishna sets out for Vidarbha and weds Rugmini. In the battle that ensues, Krishna defeats Rugmi but spares his life at Rugmini’s behest. In true Kathakali tradition, it is not the hero (Krishna), heroine (Rugmini) or the villain (Rugmi) but Rugmini’s confederate, the Brahmin, who becomes the central character on stage.
Main Characters & Artistes in the order of appearance
Rugmini Vellinezhi Haridas
Sundara Brahmanan Kalamandalam Sreekumar
Krishnan Kalamandalam Pradeepkumar
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