In the history of percussion, Thaayampaka is believed to have developed in less than two centuries ago.

Mattannoor Grandeur in Thaayampaka

In the history of percussion, Thaayampaka is believed to have developed in less than two centuries ago. Alteration and evolution is the salient feature of Thaayampaka. Thaayampaka evolves steadily breaking all notions and efforts by connoisseurs to categorise it, as malakkavu or palakadan styles. In fact, this is one musical ensemble that allows limitless freedom for improvisation to the chief drummer. Amongst the doyens of this art, Padma Shree Mattannoor Sankaran Kutty Marar is a radiant star guiding and encouraging freshers in this field to be innovative and progressive artistes. He is also instrumental in proving to the crowd that generating a healthy vibration and groove amongst the fellow instrumentalist will bring out the best in them to the delight of the audience thus taking the performance to pinnacle


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